Questacon Science Centre, Canberra has introduced a hands-on exhibit Born or Built in their interactive galleries. Visitors are welcomed to play around with a variety of emoji characters through the Magic Mirror kiosk which features the virtual technology that capture pictures and videos.
How A.I. reads human emotions?
Questacon Born or Built exhibition – Magic Mirror acts as a tool for understanding technological innovation like the facial analytics. It allows users to indulge in the virtual world when their faces are virtually transformed into different emojis, reflecting their actual facial expressions. The advancement of face analytics technology bridges the gap between human and A.I. robots.

Make Learning Meaningful and Lasting
By reading facial points on eyebrows, eye lids, lips and margin of lips, Magic Mirror system can process the patterns into human emotions such as joy, anger, surprise and etc. Kids will definitely have fun experiencing the immersive learning by playing with their facial expressions and observing the changes of emojis at real time.
360+ Visitors Interact with “Born or Built” Each Day
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Questacon | A Canberra Must Do
“Born or Built – This gallery is really interesting and challenges your thoughts and views. It examines the similarities and differences between humans and machines, explores our overlapping shared future, and questions the choices we will make to get there.”
— By Hills District Mums HQ March 18, 2019